Skanline -  They have many sweet packages for the VM and a bunch of accessories for it.  They sell almost anything you could want for paintball.  They also give a decent deal on a case of paintballs.

Warpig -  You can find all kinds of crap here. Including a huge list of classified ads for paintball.  You can buy or sell some used stuff.

VMOG -  I really like this site.  Tons of good info. on the VM.  Just check it out for yourself.  Also, make sure you look at the forum. I'm hoping to get something like that on my page soon

VM-68 FAQ -  This is the over all best place to get info. and it's where I learned almost everything i know.
VM Site - Some custom mods and VM pics
VM Empire - This is a well designed site with some helpful stuff.  Worthy of being looked at.

These links I added just because they might be useful to someone

Shire Online -  I've never bought anything from them so you can check them out for yourself.
C.O. Paintball -  A good selection and prices off stuff.
Sheridan -  It's a pretty bad site and i don't think it'll be any use to anyone but Sheridan made the VM so I thought i should add it anyways.
Action Pursuit Games -  Magazine
Paintball News -  Magazine
Paintball 2xtreme - Magazine
Paintballgamesmag -  Magazine


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